My Very First Ebook
Updated: Jan 6, 2022

Almost three years ago I started a journey that has paved a path to self-discovery and learning about living a more conscious life, and eating more from the ground and less from a box.
This is my first self-published ebook, full of tips on how to live less wasteful, delicious and easy plant based recipes that are gluten and refined sugar- free.
My moto in life is to live a more simple lifestyle, like our great-grandparents did. I have put together low waste recipes you can use in your home that will save you money and the earth.
if you would like to purchase click here

pasta bake

vegan cheese

jam drops

smoothie bowls
A lot of work has gone into making this book and I would like to say a huge thank you to my lovely fiancé Aaron for being my food critique and helping eat all my creations, even the failed attempts even though he doesn't like being a guinea pig when he is hungry.
Releasing your first ebook is such an exciting milestone! Book Marketing Services It's inspiring to see your passion for nutrition come to life and share valuable insights with your audience in this new format.