"Optimizing Nutrition for Every Stage: Prenatal to Postpartum" Part 2
Welcome back to part two of Optimizing Nutrition for Every Stage of Pregnancy. If you havent read part one click here where I discuss the importance of prenatal supplements and key nutrients for a successful and healthy pregnancy.
In part two I discuss the energy requirements for a pregnant mumma to be and nutrients in breast milk to support baby as they grow.
Two Blue Lines
It's an exciting time when you see those two lines, you will begin to notice changes both hormonal and physical during the first trimester (1-14 weeks) you may experience nausea and vomiting, heightened smells and possible food cravings or aversions. During the 2nd and 3rd trimesters as your abdomen begins to expand and as the foetus is growing and developing your energy requirements increase by 1400kJ (334cal) to provide additional energy to support foetal growth and successful pregnancy outcomes.
For many women increasing their kJ intake can be quite difficult especially if they have nausea symptoms throughout the pregnancy. The saying goes when you are pregnant, you will be eating for two. Contrary to popular belief it is not the case. It is important to focus on the quality rather than the quantity of food especially those that suffer morning sickness. Eating foods that are energy dense such as quality proteins both meat and plant-based, and consuming healthy fats such as avocado, oily fish (low in mercury), nuts and seeds will increase energy intake without having to add more food to your plate.
When looking for resources for my clients I noticed that when women become pregnant they are bombarded with information about what you shouldn't eat. The main reason for this bacteria can be found in many premade or processed foods which can be harmful to both you and the baby and in some cases you may be asyptomatic and but it can cause to the foetus without you even knowing. This is at an individuals descretion what they choose to eat and there can be ways prepare meals that limit the exposure to pathogens such as toxoplasmosis.
Washing pre-packaged salads and lettuces, fruits and vegetables before consuming
Saute leafy greens instead of raw
Making sure meat is cooked at right tempreture
When cooking eggs make sure they are properly cooked .
There is an abundance of great nutrient-dense foods that you can enjoy if you are looking for inspiration you can have a look at recipes here.
Welcome to Earth Side Little One
Now that you have a little bundle of joy earth side, supporting their growth and development through breatmilk is the best option in my opinion (and its free). Just like pregnancy, eating a diet rich in protien, iron and calcium as well as selenium, zinc, B12 and folate it vital for nutrient rich milk. Breastfeeding increases your energy requirements to an additional 2000-2100 kJ/day according to the Australian and New Zealand dietary guidelines. Eating a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables and quality protein such as lean meats, fish, legumes and pulses. When you are eating a variety of foods it can alter the taste of the milk, giving the baby exposure to different flavours making the transition to solid food easier. Avoid drinking caffeine around feeding times due to caffeine being a stimulant it can inferfere with the baby's sleep.
If you found this blog helpful let me know in the comments, and if you are wanting extra support through your pregnancy book a consult with me at Endeavour Wellness Centre. DM to let me know you have booked in.